Frequently Asked Questions
FAQ's from Parents:
1. What training does the staff undergo?
WKYC staff are required to undergo a background check. All staff go through a briefing prior to the camp week starting, which covers a variety of topics including behavior management, dealing with homesickness, conflict resolution, child abuse prevention, and many other camp-specific topics. Each week has at least one trained Medical Professional on staff, and some staff are also Red Cross CPR and First Aid certified. Prior to training, WKYC staff are carefully screened by the camp Director of each week.
2. Does the staff go through any type of background check?
All WKYC staff have to apply to be on staff. This includes providing two church references. Each of these references must fill out an online form that goes directly to the session Director. These references are reviewed by the Director of that week and the staff applicant is approved or declined before he or she can come to camp. Additionally, each staff member must apply for a background check. The results are reviewed by the camp security office, which sends the approved or declined notice to each Director.
3. What happens if my child is sick, injured or homesick?
WKYC has at least one licensed medical personnel on staff each week who is available in case a camper is sick or injured. We strive to have an RN on staff but this person could be a Doctor, EMT, First Responder, RN, etc. They are always in close contact with the staff and the Camp Director. In case of an emergency, the Crittenden County Hospital is just 15 minutes away. If your child gets sick or injured, the Medical Staff or the Camp Director will call you. If your child is homesick, the Camp Director will call and let you know what is going on. At WKYC, we are partners with you to make sure your children are safe, healthy and happy.
4. Can I contact my child while he/she is at camp?
You can send your child letters through the mail, as each week distributes letters from home each day. Campers are able to send letters home as well. Phone calls are limited unless the camper is sick or if there is a problem.
5. My child has allergies, medications or other special health needs. Can WKYC accommodate him/her?
WKYC will work with families on a case by case basis to determine if we are the right camp for your child. Each week's medical staff regularly has campers that take medication or have allergies, and they are able to manage the camper's medications as well as any other special health needs. Our licensed medical personnel and staff can handle most situations, but if you are concerned, please call the Director prior to registering your child.
6. How much money should I send with my child?
No money is required at camp. During registration, each camper will receive a camp t-shirt, and you also have the opportunity to buy additional camp t-shirts.
7. Can I request my child to be in the same cabin as his/her friend?
Yes, there is a place on the registration form to make a buddy request. Ultimately, the cabin rosters are created by the Directors to the best of their abilities with every buddy request in mind. If you have questions or concerns after registration, feel free to contact the Director.
FAQ's from Campers:
1. What kinds of activities do we do at camp?
There are a variety of activities for you to choose from. They include: arts and crafts, sports, swimming, devotionals, singing, game-room, and the giant swing. Check out the activities page for more details.
2. Can I be in the same cabin as my friend from home?
Yes, there is a place on the registration form to make a buddy request. If you have questions or concerns after registration, have your parent/guardian contact the Director.
3. Can my friends who don't worship with me come to WKYC?
Yes!! We welcome all people to WKYC. All campers will go to multiple daily devotionals regardless of faith.
4. Can I bring my cell phone, iPad, computer or video game to camp?
No. We ask that you leave these items at home. You will be very busy at camp and won't find time to use them. Plus, sometimes the cabins get messy and it can be difficult to keep track of expensive things. WKYC is not responsible for lost or broken items, and it is best to keep those things at home.
5. What should I bring to camp?
Check out our packing list or download a printable check list here.
FAQ's from Staff:
1. What am I going to be responsible for?
Each staff position has different responsibilities. Camp counselors will be responsible for a cabin of up to 14 campers. First and foremost, as a counselor you are responsible for their safety (physical and spiritual) and their happiness. You will be expected to take them through activities at camp, interact with them at meals and throughout the day, help them make friends and address anything else that comes up. You will be teaching and leading activities to mixed ages and gender groups. You will also be participating in all camp activities and counselor skits, and leading songs and nightly devotionals.
2. What skills do I need for this job?
More than anything else, you need to have a strong desire to care for children. Your priority at all times will be to tend to the needs of children. You will need to be patient, understanding, have a sense of humor and a desire to see them enjoy their time at camp. If possible, attend training on First Aid and CPR.
3. What are the hours I will be working?
Plan on long nights and short sleep times. During the week, you will probably not have more than a few hours off the whole week. You will also have to walk everywhere just like the campers - the golf carts and four-wheelers are for medical personnel, lifeguards, caretakers, and Directors only.
4. How much do I get paid?
All staff are volunteers who want to enrich the campers’ lives with love, faith and peace.
5. Is there a computer available to use at camp?
No. We do have wireless internet you can use in your free time.